China’s state-controlled media outlet, Global Times, has hinted at an upcoming exposé on alleged US cyberattacks targeting seismic data measurement stations. The report follows the revelation that earthquake monitoring equipment in Wuhan had been attacked by a foreign power, with China attributing the attack to the US. The latest report claims that the attack used
China’s state-controlled media outlet, Global Times, has hinted at an upcoming exposé on alleged US cyberattacks targeting seismic data measurement stations. The report follows the revelation that earthquake monitoring equipment in Wuhan had been attacked by a foreign power, with China attributing the attack to the US. The latest report claims that the attack used complex backdoor malware resembling the characteristics of US intelligence agencies, with the aim of stealing earthquake monitoring-related data for military reconnaissance purposes.

The article references Xiao Xinguang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chief software architect of an anti-virus company, who highlights the intelligence value of seismic data for activities such as analyzing weapons system tests and nuclear tests.
This report aligns with China’s stance that the US is a “hacker empire,” a term previously used to describe US cyber operations. While details of other countries’ cyber activities are frequently reported, this exposé could shed light on US cyber operations, providing a deeper understanding of global cyber dynamics.
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